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You’re Invited: 30 Minute Investment Call – Banking Sector Update

You’re Invited: 30 Minute Investment Call – Banking Sector Update

Banking Sector Turbulence: Time to Take Stock

Recent events in the banking sector and the response of regulators in the US and Europe continue to reverberate through financial markets.

We invite you to join our panel who will assess ongoing market implications, how investors should be positioned, the strength of the global banking sector, and whether central banks’ commitment to financial stability can be squared with their fight against inflation. We will close the call with a Q&A session.


Wednesday, 29 March 2023 - 15:00 CEST (30 Minutes)          

Moderator: Altaf Kassam, EMEA Head of Investment Strategy & Research


Antoine Lesné, Head of SPDR EMEA Strategy & Research

Elliot Hentov, Head of Macro Policy Research

Marija Veitmane, GM Strategy Research

Viki Farmaki, Equity Research Analyst