Dit artikel wordt u aangeboden door State Street SPDR ETF’s.

State Street: High Yield Webcast - Will Fallen Angels Grow Their Wings Back

Webinar: Thursday 2 July, 2020 - 2:00pm CEST

The dual shock of the negative economic effects of COVID-19 and the collapse in the oil markets has taken its toll on credit markets, leading to a spike in the number of ‘Fallen Angels,’ or issuers downgraded to high yield status from investment grade. Under such conditions, what risks and opportunities might face investors who either hold Fallen Angels or would like to take advantage of the price dislocations that accompany such downgrades? Join William Ahmuty, Brad Sullivan, Jason Simpson and Antoine Lesné for a discussion around Fallen Angels and the opportunities they might offer.



William Ahmuty, Head of SPDR Fixed Income Group

Brad Sullivan, Senior Portfolio Manager Fixed Income, Currency and Cash Investments team

Jason Simpson, Fixed Income ETF Strategist

Antoine Lesné, Head of SPDR ETF EMEA Strategy & Research


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