Dit artikel wordt u aangeboden door State Street SPDR ETF’s.

State Street: ESG Investing: More Relevant Than Ever - Webcast Invitation

Tuesday 12 May 2020 - 10:30 CEST

As part of our ‘working from home’ series, please join SPDR ETFs for a short webcast with experts from State Street Global Advisors SPDR and S&P Dow Jones Indices as we focus on why ESG remains a compelling investment proposition amid the current market uncertainty.

Jaspreet Duhra, Global Head of ESG Product Strategy at S&P Dow Jones Indices and  Rebecca Chesworth, Senior Equity ETF Strategist at SPDR ETFs will give an overview of the current ESG landscape, flows and performance. They will also look at why S&P developed the S&P 500 ESG index methodology and what this means for US equity market exposure now.