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Schroders : Duurzaam beleggen – overzicht research

Overzicht van de rapporten en research over duurzaam beleggen die Schroders recent heeft uitgebracht.

Hieronder vindt u een kort overzicht van de rapporten en research over duurzaam beleggen die Schroders recent heeft uitgebracht.


How the world is warming to sustainable investing
We travel around the world (alas only digitally and in fewer than 80 days) to study key drivers behind the shift to sustainable investment.

Why the going is about to get tougher for investing in climate change
After an extraordinary year in 2020, the competition for climate change growth opportunities is about to get much tougher.

Our call for action over climate change
Climate change has come into even sharper focus for us so far this year, as our quarterly sustainability investment report shows.

Does an emissions scandal await the real estate sector?
The property sector must agree on a coordinated approach to environmental standards if it is to reduce its carbon footprint.

Aftellen naar COP26 – Waarom het in 2021 ‘erop of eronder’ is in de strijd tegen klimaatverandering
In het nieuws: Het laatste VN-rapport heeft de wereld op rood alarm gezet. Maar de richting van de reis is duidelijk. De CEO en de specialisten van Schroders geven hun mening over hoe zij de rol van beleggers in de energietransitie zien.

What are sustainability-linked bonds and how do they work?
Sustainability-linked bonds remain a relatively niche area of the ESG fixed income landscape, but an innovative and potentially effective one, says Schroders’ Head of Sustainable Credit Saida Eggerstedt.

Sustainable Investment Report 2020: „people want to see change”
In a foreword to our annual Sustainable Investment Report, our group chief executive Peter Harrison explains how 2020 changed the way people feel about sustainability.

Een volledig overzicht van recent onderzoek van Schroders vindt u hier.