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Pictet AM: 7 thema's om in de gaten te houden in 2022

Wetenschap, technologie en duurzaamheid zijn thema’s om in de gaten te houden in 2022. Lees meer.

Find out about the key themes across science, technology and sustainability which are helping shape our future over the coming year – and beyond. 

1. Focus on food security 

The recent supply chain disruptions – and the resulting empty supermarket shelves – have put the spotlight on food security. Advanced agricultural technology and improved logistics are key to successfully feeding an ever-growing global population in a context of climate change.

For a start, there is an onus on producing more food locally, which has multiple benefits of more reliable supply, reduced waste and carbon footprint and improved traceability. It also reduces pressure on shrinking resources, such as freshwater supply and arable land. Indoor, vertical farms are a big growth area, offering the prospect of quality local food to areas where there is little space or challenging climate conditions. Vertical farming company Kalera, for example, is set to launch a new mega farm in Singapore this year, aiming to grow some 500,000 kg of leafy greens per annum as part of the island nation’s plans to provide for 30 per cent of its nutritional needs by 2030 (up from around 10 per cent currently). 

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