The need is clear. We are consuming our natural resources at a pace equivalent to 1.7 earths, an unsustainable rate. Virgin resources are finite. Meanwhile, non-biodegradable waste is fouling oceans and landscapes which were once thought to be infinite.
The definition remains fluid. The circular economy still lacks both a universal definition, and even a set of widely accepted guidelines. This transformation is creating a wide array of new businesses and investors.
The growth potential is clear. It is estimated that the global economy is only 9% circular.1 That’s a lot of market opportunity. Climate change mitigation will not be achieved without the large-scale deployment of circular economy solutions in housing, mobility, and food.
The shape is beginning to crystallize. While the circular economy is a complex subject, its necessity is being recognized. Local and regional efforts and regulation are growing.
So how does Candriam evaluate a circular investment?