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BNP Paribas AM: Investing to make our planet less plastic

Sir David Attenborough’s recent BBC documentary ‘Blue Planet II’ highlighted serious ecological issues, perhaps most strikingly the plastic waste that chokes our oceans, harms wildlife, and even finds its way back into the food chain.

In December 2017, all 193 United Nations countries signed a resolution to eliminate ocean plastic pollution. While no specific targets were set, disappointing some observers, it is hoped that this will provide impetus for future action.

Plastic waste is a growing concern for governments worldwide, with major initiatives already being put under way. China, for example, has now banned plastic waste imports, which will have a serious knock-on effect on countries that used to dump their waste there.

As local and national authorities seek to stem the tide of plastic waste, read more here on the opportunities for investing in innovative companies tackling waste recycling, waste processing and better packaging.