Dit artikel wordt u aangeboden door Aegon Asset Management.

Aegon AM scores highest possible Principles for Responsible Investment rating

Aegon Asset Management has received the highest possible rating (A+) for strategy and governance of responsible investment activities.

The annual assessment is published by the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). This is the fourth consecutive year Aegon Asset Management has received this rating which was awarded to just 29% of the PRI’s 1,677 asset management signatories.

PRI is the world’s leading authority for responsible investment. The organization sets out six principles for taking ESG factors into account when making investment decisions and active ownership practices. In its annual assessment report the body provides an overview of the signatories’ performance in comparison to peers on several topics including strategy and governance, active ownership, and direct management of equities and fixed income investments.

Aegon Asset Management is one of the leading players in responsible investment and has been a signatory of the PRI since 2011. The firm has continued to demonstrate above-median rankings in the PRI reports, despite operating in an increasingly mature market. Indeed, in this latest report, Aegon Asset Management was cited as improving in a number of areas, including an increase in the ratings achieved in its property and fixed income securitized investments. The firm also scored the maximum score (A+) in the report’s three engagement categories.

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