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Aegon AM: Renewable Energy: Electricity for a Zero-Carbon Future

Despite economic disruption and declining energy demand, renewable energy continues to fuel zero-carbon energy transition.

Next to the zero-carbon energy transition, renewable energy may also play a central role in a post-pandemic recovery.

In part three of this six-part series, we expand on earlier discussion of the energy transition and energy efficiency to explore the most high-profile piece of the energy transition: renewables.


Key takeaways:

  • Economic disruption and declining energy demand could temporarily slow renewable energy development, but we see no signs of the long-term energy transition abating anytime soon.
  • Renewables are the only energy source expected to grow in 20201 as renewable generation continues to mark new historic milestones like surpassing generation from coal in both the US and UK.2
  • Short-term uncertainty remains, but the transition to zero- and low-carbon energy sources, including renewable energy, continues to present potential long-term opportunities for companies and investors alike.
  • We believe the pandemic could be a pivotal moment for the energy transition as companies and policymakers look to renewable energy to play a central role in post-pandemic recovery.

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