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State Street SPDR ETF’s: With uncertainty in the air, a sector approach can provide investors with a way to target their exposures

Investors’ risk appetite was certainly tested in February. Nevertheless, we still observe cause for optimism going forward. Companies have continued to benefit from synchronous economic growth, and relatively accommodative monetary conditions across geographies may also provide a supportive backdrop.

With uncertainty in the air, a sector approach can provide investors with a way to target their exposures.

By implementing a sector strategy, investors can potentially capture the dispersion of betas that results when certain markets enjoy stronger tailwinds than others. Read more 

Download: Sector Dashboard March 2018

Global equity markets opened February by initially selling off, before subsequently coming back.

The increased volatility — the likes of which had not been seen for some time — has forced investors to evaluate which sectors they are comfortable remaining long.

Download: Sector Snapshot March 2018